Adult Residential Care in Barking
Support and care for adults with learning disabilities
At our adult residential care home in Barking, Strathfield Gardens, we provide a safe, positive environment for self development and enjoyment. We offer short- and long-term care for both adults with learning disabilities and young people in transition.
Our person-centred approach means we provide life skills programmes tailored to suit individual needs. This includes promoting education, learning and career development for the adults who stay with us. Although getting a job can be daunting and hard work, we value the importance of nurturing the skills each of our residents have which could prove useful should they choose to enter the world of work.
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We also encourage residents to personalise their own rooms, embrace their individuality and make choices and decisions to meet their needs. And of course, there’s lots of time for fun too.
Our activities

We offer an excellent range of indoor and outdoor activities including:
- cooking and baking lessons
- trips to see plays, concerts and musicals
- holidays abroad (we’ve even been to New York and Aruba)
- UK holidays (such as Butlins)
- gardening and floristry classes
- language courses
- geography classes
- dancing sessions
- discos
- family days at Easter, Christmas and other times of year
- ping pong, football and more.
What is our residential care home in Barking like?
Strathfield Gardens is a 7-bedroom house with great communal spaces. It provides the perfect environment for adults with learning disabilities to have fun and learn essential life skills. It is right next to Barking Park and close to Barking town centre and facilities, including a library, theatre, leisure centre and Barking market.
Facilities at our Barking residential care home:
- internet access to enable service users to maintain interests, friendships and relationships outside the home
- IT equipment
- an activity room with a ping pong table
- a quiet study
- a garden.
Want to find out more about our supportive adult residential care?
Call us on 020 3828 8999
Meet our adult care home team
At our residential care home, we’re proud to have a close-knit team of hard-working and enthusiastic carers, support workers and managers. Each of them brings fun, caring and compassion to the service users who live at Strathfield Gardens.
Meet our family adult care manager:

Katarzyna (Kasia) was a Registered Manager for 5 years and was promoted to Supported Living Service Operations Manager in late 2021. She always ensures Strathfield Gardens provide high-quality individual care in a supportive and engaging environment so all our residents can live happy and fulfilling lives. She enjoys spending time with her family and travelling.
Here’s what Kasia has to say:
‘I believe the key to running a successful care home lies in leading by example. I am a very hands-on Manager, and pride myself on knowing each of my residents and their families personally’.
Our care transition plan: from childhood to adulthood
We provide care in London and Essex that runs from childhood through to adulthood. To ensure our service users continue to thrive, we have developed a transition plan to support the children we care for ease into life as an adult when they turn 18, whether they choose to live in one of our supported living units or at our Barking adult residential care home.
The best part about our transition process is that some of our staff members work in both children and adult services, making the new environment that much more familiar to our service users.
Our transition plan is a living document, which evolves as the individual and their circumstances change. The document contains all personal details of the young person, clearly explains the transition process and involves the participation of everyone involved in the young person’s life.
The document will include:
- challenging behaviour with staff and other services users
- independent living skills
- communication skills
- personal strengths
- what the young person likes and dislikes
- triggers
- behaviour management strategies
- sensory issues and ways to deal with them
- the community approach
- future goals for the young person.
The transition process is tailored to suit the needs of the child as they enter adulthood. In general, the transition process will take place over the course of a year to ensure the young person understands what is happening.
Visits to the young person’s new home will be arranged so they can familiarise themselves with the new environment and start building relationships with the carers and current tenants. Initially, this will happen on a monthly basis, eventually increasing to the point where the young person spends an equal amount of time in both homes.
This journey concludes with the young person decorating their own bedroom, sleeping in this bedroom and spending increasing amounts of time in their new home. Finally, they are encouraged to say goodbye to their old home.
During this transition process a social story book is compiled to help the young person’s key worker reduce the understandable anxieties attached to moving home.
Our transition assessment and plan may be combined with that of the Local Authority’s assessment. It may even become a part of a young person’s education, health and care plan. Together this ensures the young person understands what care and support they are eligible for on turning 18.

I am writing regarding my nephews home “Strathfield Gardens” the home itself is always very inviting friendly and clean. The staff are extremely helpful when communicating about my nephews week, and the fun things he has been up to, they are consistent in me pictures, videos and updates on his time there, we are very happy with the care and welfare that is implemented within the home kind regards
T Doughty
Want to find out more about our supportive adult residential care?
Call us on 01708 548 250