Ofsted Report - Lodge Group Care UK Ltd
You want to give your child the very best start in life, with care, love and support to develop skills they can carry through into adulthood. But for some children with learning disabilities or Autism, these needs can’t be met in their family home. Here is our latest Ofsted Report.
This privately run children’s home provides care for up to six children. The provider states in its statement of purpose that the home cares for children with autism and learning disabilities.
The service provides one place for a short break and five longterm placements. The home registered with Ofsted in 2005 and the manager registered with Ofsted in 2013.
There were five children living in the home at the time of this inspection and one child was accessing short-break care.
This inspection was conducted on site and involved meetings with children, staff and managers. Email and telephone contact took place with parents, family members and placing authority social workers.
Due to COVID-19, at the request of the Secretary of State, we suspended all routine inspections of social care providers carried out under the social care common inspection framework (SCCIF) on 17 March 2020. We returned to routine SCCIF inspections on 12 April 2021.
Inspection dates: 1 and 2 February 2022
Overall experiences and progress of children and young people, taking into account: good
How well children and young people are helped and protected: good
The effectiveness of leaders and managers: good
The children’s home provides effective services that meet the requirements for: good.
Date of last inspection: 9 October 2019
Overall judgement at last inspection: Good
Enforcement action since last inspection: None
Recent inspection history
Inspection date | Inspection type | Inspection judgement |
09/10/2019 | Full | Good |
15/10/2018 | Full | Good |
08/05/2017 | Full | Good |
23/11/2016 | Interim | Sustained effectiveness |

My son is happy at Cameron House and I am very happy with this placement. Keep up the good work, the management and staff are amazing with my son. Your home is a blessing for my son and my family – Parent
Want to find out more about our Ilford children’s home?
Call us on 020 8597 9685